Is a Disney Cruise in our future?
I'm going to work like hell to make sure Brooke & I take a cruise in 2011. That will be the last year she will not be in school, and I want to take it in as much as possible.
Today I spent a good 6 hours looking for blogs about single parent cruising, and to be honest, I found very little. Sure, I found articles saying how great it was, and how much fun kids can have (not to mention myself). But I didn't find any REAL good information on single parent cruising.
I am afraid of cruising as a single mom with a child alone. Everything I read about safety and things like that don't concern me. It sounds like Disney keeps their cruises pretty safe for the kids (as safe as a kid can be anywhere that is), so I don't worry about that part. I worry about much fun can cruising alone with a child can be?
Sure you can send your child to the clubs and enjoy some "me" time, but come on...I can only spend so much "me" time alone! I am afraid of how lonely I will get! I tend to get quite shy around people I don't know, it is the self esteem part of I will sit on the deck, swim, go the <gasp> bar and sit there alone, even though I yearn to go to the dance club, and get my boogie on (boy does that age me!)...I'll probably sit in the sports bar, because that is just where it is easier to be when you are alone. Who wants to watch a bunch of couples dancing together, while you are there alone?(this is all while Brooke is in the club of course).
I plan to spend significant amount of time with her, but a couple of hours a day could do myself some good. I could go work out(ugh!), sit on the deck, swim, go to the bar, take whatever little class they offer...but that is just not so much fun alone.
I really don't have many friends that I know who would go on a cruise with me, but I hope that in the next few months, I will meet some...
But...I am bound and determined to make this trip happen. Even if I go and spend all my me time in the will still be me time. No worrying about cleaning up, making the bed, cooking dinner, etc...It will be relaxing I hope.
On the other hand, I hope to treat my daughter to the vacation of a lifetime. To see her lightup when she sees the characters, dance at the parties on deck, do all the fun things that kids do in the club...that, alone would be worth the trip.
Labels: disney, disney cruise, single parent vacation, vacation
Did you ever book your cruise? I'm a newly single mom and we are going on a Disney cruise in March 2011.
I'm wondering if you ever booked your cruise too! I'm a single mom & constantly looking for good "single parent" vacation ideas. I have taken my then 3-year old on a vacation, just the two of us, and it was fabulous. It would be more fun with other single parents though!
I have just booked my first Disney cruise and I am a single mother of twin 4 year olds. I invited my best friend whom is also a single mother of twin to go as well. perhaps you could find a friend that is a single mother like yourself maybe even one that has a child around the same age. Good luck! Im sure you will have fun. Good for you for getting out there and still doing things with your daughter. Alot of single moms feel like because they aren't married they should just stay home. Its not fair for them or the kids.
I'm thinking about taking a Disney cruise with my soon to be 5 year old this year....I'm also a single mom and a little scared myself....did you ever go?
I too want to know if you ever took the cruise? If you did, Im sure it was wonderful! I'm a single mom of a soon to be 5 year old too. I'm actually a travel agent too. I'm about to put together a Disney cruise. Let me know if there is anything in particular you'd like to do on the cruise or have suggestions of what month.
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