Monday, October 20, 2008


So there is this guy in my class. Nurse guy. He is one semester behind me, but taking one of the classes I am taking. I have to say I am in love...ok make that lust.

We all were sitting there during break, relaxing and complaining about the test we just took and failed!(Yes we believe the whole class failed, we are waiting on the results now). I noticed him, and he is a doll, but I think he is gay.

So my friend and I stepped outside for the last 10 minutes of break to smoke. (Yes I smoke...and I plan on quitting with my friend Dori as my quitting smoking buddy). He steps outside and starts talking to me. As if he was looking for us to talk to us. He proceeds to tell me he is taking his kids to the zoo for the halloween thing that night(hmm ok..not gay)...Jokingly I told him he could take my 2 year old...he said well no, his are a handful enough. I check out the ring...Hmmmm....he proceeds to tell me his kids are 1 and 4. Awful young to not be married and to have 2?? Hmmm.. He walks back in with us, and the rest of the class I spend staring at the back of his head, trying to figure out his story.

So now...ever since Friday, I have been waiting to see if maybe he will email me by using the class roster. I keep dreaming. LOL I hardly know the guy, but my intrigue is sooooooooooo strong right now. UGHHHHH..Cant wait until Friday... last class with him, and I wont even be there the whole time.


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